Lead to inspire

Lead to inspire

An effective leader inspires others. In an environment where all members of a team are unique and possess various skills and experiences, it is strong leadership that binds the team together to grow and prosper. Although there is no universal way to define a leader, this workshop will explore different aspects of leadership and how to apply these in your everyday practices to inspire your team to greatness.

Quality Area 7: Governance and leadership

Workshops listed are AEST (NSW) time.

Completing Lead to Inspire will contribute 2 hours of professional development in the priority area of Leadership to support learning outcomes of students/children addressing Standard Descriptors 6.2.2 and 7.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.

Start Date
End Date
Start Time
4:00 pm
End Time
6:00 pm
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