Exploring safe sleep and rest practices in early childhood settings

Exploring safe sleep and rest practices in early childhood settings

Ensuring safe sleep and rest is fundamental in caring for and educating young children. As early childhood educators we have a responsibility to provide optimum environments for children to ensure healthy brain development, physical growth, exploration and learning. Interactive and engaging, this webinar will provide educators with a greater understanding of their responsibilities under Regulation 81 and 168 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard.

Participants will be guided in the implementation of quality practices and programs that are informed by the components of the National Quality Framework, where children’s agency is recognised, the diversity of families is acknowledged and respected, and all educators feel confident in their understandings and responsibilities according to service policy and procedures.

Completing Exploring safe sleep and rest practices in early childhood settings will contribute 2 hours of professional development in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 1.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Workshops listed are AEST (NSW) time.

Start Date
End Date
Start Time
5:00 pm
End Time
7:00 pm
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