Traineeship/Funded Programs FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Traineeship/Funded Programs FAQs

ECTARC is an approved provider for Traineeships and Apprenticeships in NSW, Qld and ACT. If you are an employer looking to employee a trainee, or are looking to be employed as a trainee, visit our Traineeships and Apprenticeships webpage for information relevant to your state:

All students that enrol in a full qualification will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment by email after successful completion of their ECTARC LLN Quiz and ECTARC Course Ready Quiz. Queensland Trainees/Apprentices and funded students will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment letter after completion of their sign up.

No, all students are required to have completed the CHC30113 or CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care as a prerequisite to be able to enrol in the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. For further information on your eligibility please call ECTARC on 02 4223 1111 or email

You do not need to sit any exams when studying with ECTARC. Every unit is assessed by Written Assessment Tasks that you complete in the ECTARC Training Portal. The number of Written Assessment Tasks varies between units. Most units also have a Practical Assessment, where an ECTARC Training and Development Officer will assess you demonstrating your skills in your workplace or while on practicum, and a Third-Party Report which needs to be completed by a Workplace Supervisor.

The regulatory authority that oversees ECTARC – the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) – has made it very clear that all RTOs must ensure the requirements of each unit continue to be met by all students. How we do this may look differently. Where practical assessments can not be conducted in the workplace, your TDO will discuss with you the options of submitting video evidence using technology such as Blackboard Collaborate. Your ECTARC TDO must observe you completing all the task that are listed in your Practical Assessment Instructions.

Before booking your practical assessment, read through the Record of Practical Assessment Course on the ECTARC Training Portal to ensure you are aware of and understand what will be assessed. If you have any questions at all, or do not feel you will be able to successfully demonstrate all the skills, please speak to your ECTARC Training and Development officer who will be able to support you. Everything in the Record of Practical Assessment must be demonstrated to a satisfactory workplace standard.

For an online practical assessment, you will require a laptop, tablet or phone and have it set up ready to go prior to your online session commencing. An online practical assessment works much the same as if we were there in person and we will observe you completing your daily tasks in the workplace. Some services may require you to record this in your visitor’s log, so please speak to your Workplace Supervisor to confirm this.

Practical Assessments are completed in real time via an online link where the TDO writes notes about what has been observed. At no time is this recorded and the observation is only made by one ECTARC TDO. The platform used is Blackboard Collaborate which has been chosen by ECTARC for its high level security measures. ECTARC has been using this reputable company for many years and are confident that it provides a secure base for completing assessments in this way. Permission forms are available for use in a service to seek parental permission if required. Please contact your ECTARC TDO for a copy of this.

All customisation of assessment, including changes made due to COVID-19, is documented as a typed note in the ECTARC Student Training Portal. This can be viewed by students 24 hours a day. This provides evidence of how and when this occurred.

ECTARC’s procedures for the use of online assessment ensures all stakeholders are protected as required by relevant Privacy Laws and ECTARC’s Privacy Policy. Any notification received from Blackboard Collaborate that may indicate that the security of the platform has been jeopardised will be immediately addressed and use of this platform will cease until its security can be assured.

No, ECTARC offers students the opportunity to pay as they progress through their studies. It is an interest free, affordable option for financing your study. A direct debit payment plan can be set up for each student.

Some financial institutions offer student personal loans. However, we strongly advise that you seek financial advice from a financial institution you can trust. Be wary of financial institutions that charge extremely high interest rates and exorbitant fees.

Yes, employers can pay for a student’s studies. Payments in advance remain as credit and programs are subject to any fee revisions that are made throughout the enrolment period. Please note: Where a student is not under a traineeship/apprenticeship agreement, permission must be given by the student prior to ECTARC releasing any information regarding the student’s enrolment or progress to the employer.

Certified and Verified Document Requirements

The Australian Governments’ Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 requires RTOs, such as ECTARC, to authenticate VET qualifications, Statement of Attainments and transcripts that are provided by students for the purposes of granting credit transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).To do this students must provide copies of qualifications, Statements of Attainments and/or transcripts to ECTARC and grant permission for ECTARC to view their records on the USI Portal at

Where permission is not granted, ECTARC will contact the issuing RTO for verification.

From time to time ECTARC requires verified documentation (such as photo identification on enrolment).

To verify a document, the original must be seen, and the copy must be signed and dated by an employer, Director/Nominated Supervisor, ECTARC Training & Development Officer or ECTARC staff member. The person verifying the document must write on the document a statement that says “The original has been sighted. Verified by “, print their name, sign and put the date on the document. ECTARC requires that licences, passports and birth certificates are verified.

On occasions, ECTARC may request that a document is certified. A certified document means that you have had it sighted and signed by a Justice of the Peace. A Justice of the Peace (JP) is an independent and objective witness who can sign documents for people to use for official or legal purposes. Many post offices and banks have a staff member that is a Justice of the Peace. To find a Justice of the Peace in your area visit (or search for your relevant state or territory).

  1. Photocopy your document
  2. Find a Justice of the Peace
  3. You must take both the original document and the photocopy to the JP. They must sight the original document and sign the photocopy.
  4. Post the signed photocopy to ECTARC.

Do not send originals of your documents to ECTARC – you need to send the JP signed photocopy of your documents to ECTARC by mail (not faxed or emailed). An emailed of faxed copy no longer becomes an official certified document.

Units and Completion

All students must complete the required First Aid unit with an external Registered Training Organisation. A copy of the Statement of Attainment must be forwarded to ECTARC before the completion of the course. This is at the cost of the student (for those enrolling in a funded program, please speak to your Training and Development Officer for information about how these costs are covered). Credit Transfer will be granted for this unit, provided the First Aid Certificate is current on completion of the enrolled qualification. Where the First Aid Certificate expires throughout the enrollment period, the student is required to renew this, at their own cost, prior to their qualification being issued. To find an external training provider, please click here

Make sure that you are going to the correct website:

Please note that ECTARC has two (2) Portals – Training Portal and Student Portal.

ECTARC Training Portal (Canvas):

The Training Portal link is:

Students use this Portal to access their assignments and learning resources for each unit, view assessment results and feedback from their Training and Development Officer (TDO), and message and receive messages from their TDO.

ECTARC Student Portal (JobReady):

The Student Portal link is:

Students use this Portal to view course results, access additional course resources, view forms and handbooks, and update personal details.

If you ever lose these link, you can always access the ECTARC Portals from the ECTARC website.

Go to the ECTARC website at:

After clicking “Training” or “Training & Professional Development”, hover over the “Logins” dropdown heading and click “Student Portal” or “Training Portal”.

It will take up to 3 weeks for the marking and return of assignments for a unit from a full qualification.

If you receive a Not Yet Satisfactory result you have the opportunity to resubmit the parts of the assessment that were deemed Not Yet Satisfactory. You may submit an assessment up to 3 times in total before the unit is deemed Not Competent. Contact your Training & Development Officer for guidance and support.

The amount of detail required for each answer in an assessment can vary depending on the question that is being asked. Some questions will require more in-depth answers to answer the question completely whilst others may only require a short paragraph or sentence. Please use the wording in the question to guide your responses. The ECTARC Student Handbook also describes in more detail they different types of questioning you may be asked and what this means.

On commencement of your studies your ECTARC Training and Development Officer will discuss your training plan and you will be provided with a copy after completion of your ECTARC LLN Quiz and ECTARC Course Ready Quiz has been successfully completed. 

For a PDF version of an assessment or learning materials please speak to you ECTARC Training and Development Officer.

All students will have 14 days access to the ECTARC Training Portal after their course completion date to download content and any completed assessments for future reference. To download completed assessments, go to the relevant unit and click on the ASSIGNMENTS link to view your assessment tasks. Click on the assessment task you wish to copy and then right click on your mouse and choose the PRINT function. Change the destination from your printer to the PDF setting and click to SAVE. If you have any questions regarding the saving of your online content, please call 02 4223 1111.  If you require access to the ECTARC Training Portal after this 14 day period fees and charges apply. Please see the ECTARC Fee Schedule for more details.

Yes, you can complete the Work Placement hours at any regulated education and care service within Australia, so long as there is a qualified Workplace Supervisor (who holds a Children’s Services/Early Childhood Education and Care Diploma qualification or above) to supervise and mentor you. This can be voluntary, casual or permanent work.

If all the required ages/groups are not at the service you are at, some of the requirements can be completed in your workplace, however, you will need to access another regulated education and care service (of your choice) to complete the remaining hours as a Practicum. An ‘Advice of Practicum form’ is required to be completed and submitted to ECTARC if this applies.

The following unit lists provide a brief summary of the content of units within CHC qualifications:

For full unit content you can go to and search for each unit individually. This is the national register for all units of competency that are recognised within Australia and Registered Training Organisations must ensure that all of the content in these outlines is covered in the training and assessment they offer.

Yes, you can download and send this list to a University for the purposes of your enrolment. They will still also require a copy of your Qualification and Transcript. If they require more detailed information this will need to be accessed by going to