Funded Training NSW – 10983NAT Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care

10983NAT Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care

ECTARC delivers the training for the 10983NAT Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care to students in School Age Care services in regional, remote and metropolitan areas of New South Wales.  Training can commence at any time of the year.

The 10983NAT Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care is a nationally recognised accredited qualification.

There are 15 units in total – 12 compulsory units and 3 elective units must be completed for this qualification.

Compulsory Units

  1. CHCSAC006 Support children to participate in school age care
  2. CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
  3. HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
  4. HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices
  5. CHCSAC007 Develop and implement play and leisure experiences in school age care
  6. CHCEDS049 Supervise students outside the classroom
  7. CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
  8. CHCSAC008 Work collaboratively and respectfully with school age children
  9. CHCSAC009 Support the holistic development of children in school age care
  10. BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others
  11. CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
  12. HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting *


The following units are suggested electives and the trainee must choose 3 electives from this list.  Where a trainee wishes to complete a different elective this may be discussed with their ECTARC Training and Development Officer.

  1. CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  2. CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  3. CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Please note:

For a full list of electives, please visit

* First Aid Unit

The unit HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting must be completed with an external registered training provider. A copy of the Statement of Attainment must be forwarded to ECTARC before the completion of the course. ECTARC will guide you through this process. See ‘Fees’ section below for further details.

First aid certificates expire every 3 years. Where the first aid certificate expires throughout the enrolment period, you will be required to renew this with an external registered training provider. To find an external registered training provider, please visit

Units within this qualification require students to complete work placement hours in a regulated education and care service within Australia. These hours may be completed as part of the student’s paid employment or as an unpaid practicum. An ECTARC Assessor will visit the workplace to assess students on the job and/or via video conferencing throughout the qualification.

Work placement requirements – 320 hours

  • 320 hours – 6-12 years – School age

Please note: Where you are employed in an education and care service that has the required ages/groups, these hours can be completed within your workplace. Where all required ages/groups are not available in your workplace these hours must be completed as a practicum at another regulated education and care service.

Certain units have work placement hours that are required to be completed before the unit is deemed competent. ECTARC Training and Development Officers can provide further information on this.

ECTARC students receive support from their personal ECTARC Training and Development Officer by phone, email, live webinar study sessions and face to face visits in the service.  ECTARC students have access to the online ECTARC Training Portal where they can access learning materials and submit assessments.  Students will require access to a computer and the internet to undertake this course. Through the ECTARC Training Portal students can also:

– message their Training and Development Officer
– upload forms and documents
– view marked assessment tasks – students are notified as soon as an assignment is marked
– access resources – additional information and documentation to support learning.

The ECTARC Training Portal is available through secure market leading technology and students find it very easy to use. The ECTARC Training Portal increases communications with students and ensures valuable information is available when required and provides access to their student records 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If for some reason you do not have access to the internet, please contact our office to arrange an alternative study solution. Hard copies of learning materials can also be provided on request.

ECTARC guarantees that a Training and Development Officer is always available to speak to Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Tuesday evenings 5pm to 7pm.

Access to the Training Portal on completion

All students will have 14 days access to the ECTARC Training Portal after their course completion date to download content and any completed assessments for future reference. To download completed assessments, go to the relevant unit and click on the ASSIGNMENTS link to view your assessment tasks. Click on the assessment task you wish to copy and then right click on your mouse and choose the PRINT function. Change the destination from your printer to the PDF setting and click SAVE. If you have any questions regarding the saving of your online content, please call 02 4223 1111.

Depending on an individual’s previous study, the completion time for this qualification can be anywhere between 18 and 24 months.

Check your eligibility and fees payable

ECTARC has to refer to NSW Training Services to determine the fee for each candidate. To determine your eligibility for this program and the fees you need to pay please visit or call ECTARC on 4223 1111.

Applicants complete the Application Form (link below) and provide the necessary documentation. ECTARC uses this information to check eligibility and generate a quote with Training Services NSW.  The quote is emailed to the student and who are then required to accept the quote in writing via return email.  Once the quote is accepted, ECTARC will complete a notification of enrolment with Training Services NSW and generate an invoice for the student contribution fee. This invoice will be emailed to the student. Students are required to pay an initial payment of $250 before the commencement of training.

What you need to read…

Students are required to read the following documentation and ECTARC policies prior to commencing the online Enrolment Application Form (this will be sent to you by email from ECTARC) to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities before enrolling:

What you need to get ready…

To complete the online enrolment application form, students need to:

  • provide a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI) number.
  • photo identification – driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card – take a photo of the document so it is ready to upload.
  • evidence of citizenship – birth certificate, passport or green medicare card – take a photo of the document so it is ready to upload.
  • give permission on the USI website for ECTARC to view their USI records (if applying for credit transfer only). Note: Where study was completed prior to 2015 or has not yet been reported, the student must provide a copy of their transcript for ECTARC to verify with the training provider.

Foundation Skills

ECTARC Training Services is required to ensure that a chosen qualification is suitable for the potential student and to identify any individual support needs throughout the enrolment application process. One way we do this is by identifying the level of foundation skills of each potential student.

‘Foundation skills’ is the term that Australian Government agencies use to cover both Core Skills and Employability Skills.

The five Core Skills are:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Numeracy
  • oral communication, and
  • learning;

The Employability Skills are:

  • teamwork
  • problem solving
  • initiative and enterprise
  • planning and organising
  • self-management
  • learning, and
  • technology.

It is also important that students have the necessary digital skills to complete the tasks required when engaging in online learning.

After ECTARC receives the Enrolment Application Form, all applicants will receive an email that has 2 links which will provide access to two (2) short quizzes – the ECTARC LLN Quiz and ECTARC Course Ready Quiz. Once completed, ECTARC will contact the applicant to organise completion of the oral component, which consists of a short discussion to discuss things like the students goals and current work experience. They will also discuss the outcomes of the quizzes where required. Both quizzes and the oral component must be completed for the enrolment process to be finalised.

It’s a regulatory requirement that if you’re studying nationally recognised training in Australia from 1 January 2015, you will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards. When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). One of the main benefits of the USI is the ability to provide students with easy access to their training records and results (transcript) throughout their life. You can access your USI account online from your computer, tablet or smart phone anytime.

How do you get a USI?


Follow the steps here to get a USI. It is easy and quick to do. When you enrol online you will be required to enter your USI number.

For detailed information on the USI please visit the Australian Government’s Department of Industry website at visit


On enrolment you are required to upload a copy of photo identification (e.g driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card). Your ECTARC Training and Development Officer will need to sight the original document during your sign up which may occur in person or via webinar.

Evidence of Citizenship

On enrolment you are required to upload a copy of  a document that demonstrates your citizenship such as birth certificate, passport or green medicare card.

Your ECTARC Training and Development Officer will need to sight the original document during your sign up which may occur in person or via webinar.

Previous Qualifications

The Australian Governments’ Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015 requires RTO’s, such as ECTARC, to authenticate VET qualifications, Statement of Attainments and transcripts that are provided by students for the purposes of granting credit transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). To do this students must provide copies of qualifications, Statements of Attainments and/or transcripts to ECTARC and grant permission for ECTARC to view their records on the USI Portal at

Where permission is not granted, ECTARC will contact the issuing RTO for verification.

Please note

ECTARC requires all documentation and relevant information before fully processing enrolments. Training will not commence until all documentation is received. We want to ensure that you get any credit transfer or RPL you are entitled to and that all regulatory requirements are met.

What is RPL?

RPL is an assessment process where candidates provide evidence of previous experience to demonstrate that they hold the required skills and knowledge of one or more units of competency. Previous experience may include (but is not limited to) paid or voluntary work, life experience, professional development or formal qualifications.

Can I apply for RPL?

RPL is suited to candidates who have demonstrated experience in an education and care service or equivalent. ECTARC recommends experience of a minimum of 5 years for those wishing to apply for RPL for a full qualification, in a variety of roles within an education and care service.  This however, is very dependent on the individual experiences, so we encourage anyone wanting to learn more about RPL to contact ECTARC to discuss this further.

What evidence is required?

The candidate must provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate their competence against an entire unit of competency. For each unit, the following tasks provide the candidate with the opportunity to ensure that sufficient evidence can be gathered:

  • Competency Conversation – An ECTARC Training and Development Officer (TDO) will discuss with the candidate their previous experiences to determine the extent of their skills and knowledge for each unit of competency. In addition to this, throughout the assessment process, and where appropriate, Competency Conversations may also be used to confirm competence where sufficient evidence has not been provided.
  • Practical Assessment – Every unit of competency includes practical skills that must be demonstrated within a regulated education and care service within Australia. The candidate will be observed in the workplace to ensure that they are performing these skills to the standards required. In some cases, simulations may be conducted and evidence may be submitted by video to support the practical assessment.
  • Portfolio – The candidate provides a portfolio of evidence of previous experiences, such as testimonials, copies of former qualifications, statements of participation in professional development, photographs and examples of their own work. This evidence is assessed and mapped by an ECTARC TDO to the requirements of a unit.

Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer is different to RPL in that the student already has completed a unit of competency in a previous qualification. To be granted Credit Transfer, ECTARC requires evidence of successful completion of the unit; this can be provided through the USI Portal or a certified copy of a transcript or Statement of Attainment. Once this evidence is verified, Credit Transfer will be granted.

Example: Tania has been working in a primary school as an education support worker for  the past 6 years. Two years ago she completed the CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support, which included the unit CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk. Over the past year, Tania has also been volunteering in the outside school hours care that is provided within the school and has decided she would like to complete the CHC50213 Diploma of School Age Education and Care. Tania enrols with ECTARC and has a competency conversation with an ECTARC TDO and an assessment plan is developed for her. Tania is granted a credit transfer for the unit CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk and the TDO decides that she has sufficient experience to apply for RPL for a number of units relating to the development of children aged 5-12 years, developing relationships with children and supporting the behaviour of children. The remainder of units will be completed through the training and assessment pathway, where Tania will receive her learning materials and assessment tasks on the ECTARC Training Portal and will be supported by her ECTARC TDO to complete these.


If you think you may be eligible for RPL or credit transfer be sure to discuss this with ECTARC and/or provide relevant information and documentation when enrolling as it can save you time and/or money.

The 10983NAT Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care is an entry level qualification for anyone wishing to commence a career in the outside school hours care sector or for someone who has been working in the industry for a number of years who wishes to formally recognise their knowledge and skills.

This qualification reflects the role of educators in school age education and care/Outside School Hours Care who work according to the requirements of the National Quality Framework. They support children’s wellbeing and development in the context of an approved learning framework. They develop and implement play and leisure experiences with or without supervision.

Educators in this context work in outside school hours care and vacation care (also known as School Age Care).

ECTARC has been awarded Smart and Skilled contracts to deliver funded training in some regions of NSW.  For more information on Smart and Skilled see below.




The NSW government have made reforms to the NSW Vocational Education and Training system and have advised Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to inform all students and employers about changes that will be implemented as of 1st January 2015.  All students (new and continuing) and other students studying under government funded programs will be required to train under the new reform ‘Smart and Skilled’.  This will mean a change in fee structure and subsidies available to our new and existing students from this given date.

The NSW government has implemented a new set of fee arrangements for students which will be consistently implemented by all RTOs. This will affect the fees that students continuing (existing NSW trainees) into 2015 will be charged. These fees will be calculated on an individual basis – not an annual or semester fee as previously charged. The government has prepared a formula and  this will be used to calculate the fee. The number of hours (based on each unit’s nominal hours) that each student has yet to complete will be used to determine the fee. This new fee structure may mean an increase in fees for our continuing students in 2015.

Training Services NSW (the Government Department implementing these reforms) has a variety of links for both employers and students on their website. The following link will take you to a page with a range of information and fact sheets and we encourage you to take the time to read this information to ensure that you aware of the changes occurring.

Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Strategy

For more information on ECTARC’s policies such as complaints, refunds, Smart & Skilled Fee Administration and privacy please click here.

Would you like to apply for this funded training opportunity?

Click here to return to the Funded Programs NSW page to complete the NSW Funded Programs Expression of Interest form at the bottom of the page.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Natalie Fernandes, Manager – Funded Programs – Phone: 02 4223 1111 – Email: